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Mystic Star Coven is a practicing, teaching and training Coven in Louisville, Kentucky.

​We were founded in 2005, by our current High Priest, and practiced together until 2008. In 2008, we went on hiatus due to various life issues among the Membership. In early 2014, the High Priest re-opened Mystic Star for it’s second incarnation.

Mystic Star practices what we call, “Feycraft Wicca.”

Feycraft is an amalgamation of two different Traditions, and was begun in the 1980’s by the High Priest’s Initiator. Our High Priest learned Feycraft from his Initiator throughout the first half of the 1990’s.

Today, Mystic Star boasts a good amount of training material and exercises for Dedicants (newcomers to the Coven) that is specifically relevant to Feycraft Wicca.

Our mission is to obliterate the status quo of yesteryear’s infighting, prejudice, and immaturity that exists in the Pagan community. And we do this by producing happy, well-adjusted Members of Feycraft Wicca who are consistently progressing in their Craft.

MSC is incorporated in the state of Kentucky. We have been recognized as a tax-exempt non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (i.e., we’re officially a church!).

MSC News & Events List

If you’re interested in keeping up with News & Events at MSC, or if you want to maybe attend a Pagan Dinner Out to meet us sometime, joint the MSC News & Events email list.

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Something About Us

Most of the day-to-day operations of MSC are overseen by Coven Council, and decisions are made through a democratic process.

We do not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, social or financial background, gender or gender identity, or sexual orientation or preference.

The Wiccan Rede, for us, is good advice to live by. The term rede, in fact, means “advice.” So while we don’t consider it a law, per se, we do see it as a guiding statement.

This site may make us seem a bit more formal than we are in reality. Membership, for us, is a three-degree system, and we have a High Priest, but we are more informal, and family-like when we meet for Sabbats.

We are a modern tradition that was begun in the 1980’s, and, by our definition, we would be considered Eclectic, which means, “deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad, and diverse range of sources.”

It has been said of MSC that we are, “probably the most organized Coven in Kentuckiana.”

What Makes Us Different

We don’t have an issue with same-gender initiations. Our Tradition teaches that the Primary Force of Creation is sometimes two or more genders at once, sometimes no gender, sometimes either male or female, and (usually) every gender all at once. The underlying current of power of Feycraft has no specific gender requirements.

For the same reasons, we do not keep a male/female ratio in our group. There is no need. A good Witch can work with the energies of either gender, or no gender, or one or more of the many genders that exist. Likewise, we do not believe in the necessity of having both a male and a female leader at the same time. Coven Leaders can be single individuals, or a pair of individuals, of any gender identity.

We tend to utilize an agricultural theme to our Sabbat celebrations, to help us reignite our relationship to the Land. However, we also focus on the ultimate goal of the ecstatic experience of the realm of Spirit that surrounds us. Part of our focus is the feeling of oneness with nature and the universe that we’d classify as a mystical or ecstatic union with the Divine.